It’s time for the results of test 2. Ben has been pretty good tonight so I haven’t had to do much walking other than a quick trip to the Chinese for tea. The WWM counted around 2,000 steps. The iPod is a little behind it with 1,850, while the super cheap one has been overly generous again and given me 2,700 for the night. So, according to my new one I’ve managed 10K today! Yay me :). OK, it’s actually closer to 7K, which is good because that’s my step target for the day, but bad that there’s a massive 3K difference between my step counters over the course of the day.
So far it’s looking like the WWM and the iPod are equally good, but there’s still the problem of the missing steps when pacing with the baby, so I’ll just have to wait until the next restless evening and see if we can’t get one of these things to count them for me:)
So are you going to put a graph up or a set of results in a table for those of us nerdy enough to actually want that 😉