The challenge for this year is to publish a piece of writing here on the 28th day of each month. This piece was written during ‘Vampire week‘ of the original diary challenge, and was the result of the flash fiction prompt from 29th January – the awakening of a new vampire. The diary version was about 300 words long and took about 30 minutes to write. The story I am presenting here is what it turned into after many, many hours of rewriting and editing*. Thanks and many hugs to Markie for being my beta reader and for taking on editing duties.
So here it is: “The Awakening”, by Kathryn Leigh Keating
Hope you like it :). Right, well that took ages. Better get cracking on February’s offering.
*unless you think it’s rubbish, in which case I totally knocked this out in an hour so I don’t find your disapproval soul crushing, honest…